Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | University of Oslo
Email | [email protected]
Website | jus.uio.no/ikrs/english/people/aca/sveinus/
Twitter | @SveinungSandbe1
Topic | Illegal drugs, alcohol, violence, street culture, radicalization, extremism, social movements, Bourdieu, narrative criminology
Method | Ethnography, qualitative interviews, text analysis
Bio | Sveinung Sandberg is professor of Criminology at the University of Oslo. He holds a PhD in sociology from the University of Bergen, Norway. He has written the book Street Capital (2011, with Willy Pedersen) and several journal articles on street culture and crime with a Bourdieusian approach. Sandberg is also co-founder of Narrative Criminology (e.g. Presser and Sandberg 2015) and has worked to integrate narrative and discourse analytical approaches in criminology. His research focuses on processes of marginalization, violence, illegal drugs, social movements and political and religious extremism.