Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | Flinders University
Email | [email protected]
Website | ravejudgerun.com
Twitter | @gr4d
Topic | Organized crime, prison gangs, illicit markets, cybercrime
Method | Interviews, ethnographic observation, thematic analysis, document analysis, open-source data collection
Bio | R.V. Gundur is a criminologist based in Australia. He studies illicit markets, street and prison gangs, and cybercrime. He holds a PhD in criminology from Cardiff University, where he was an ESRC scholar; a MSc in criminology from the University of Oxford; a MA in international relations from the Australian National University, where he was a Hedley Bull Scholar; and a BA in Spanish and Latin American Studies from Tulane University. His work has appeared on reports published by the European Union and the City of London Police and he has been published in several academic journals including Urban Affairs Review; Deviant Behavior; and International Criminal Justice Review. He is a hobbyist photographer.