Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | University of Porto
Email | [email protected]
Website | sigarra.up.pt/fdup/en/func_geral.formview?p_codigo=419470
Twitter | @Faria_Rita
Topic | Research misconduct; white-collar, occupational, and environmental crime; history and epistemology of criminology
Method | Qualitative (e.g., interviews with elites and experts)
Bio | PhD in Criminoloy, has a Master degree in Sociology and graduated in Law. Assistant Professor in Criminology, has been teaching several courses at the Undergraduate and at the Master levels. Has been researching on the topic of research misconduct (problematic behaviors and situations in scientific research and higher education) and, for that, has been awarded a "Doctoral Research Award" at the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity (2015). Has also been researching and publishing on white-collar, occupational crime and environmental crime and on the topics of the History and Epistemology of Criminology. Simultaneously, has been exploring the use of qualitative methods with the elites and the powerful, on Criminological topics. As such, has been teaching at the University of Ghent's Doctoral Schools, is co-chair of the European Society of Criminology Working-Group on Qualitative Research Methodologies and Epistemologies and board member of EUROC (the European Working Group on Organizational Crime). Is currently Director of the of the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Crime, Justice and Security (CJS) of the University of Porto.