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Editorial Introdution

Published onApr 01, 2014
Editorial Introdution

When I took on the role of editor for the new Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, I wanted to secure as many of the leading qualitative researchers as I could for the editorial board. While I did not know Jock Young  personally, I knew of him and his reputation and writings, and I figured he was one who should be on the board. When I asked my book review editor, Kevin Steinmetz, now Dr. Steinmetz, who I should include on the board, the first two people he requested were Jock Young and Jeff Ferrell. I agreed and asked him to approach both of them with the request since he was more familiar with them than I. I was appreciative of Kevin for following up and most appreciative that they both agreed to join the editorial board. I knew they were taking a risk on me, someone largely unknown in the qualitative circles. So, I was profoundly saddened when Kevin informed me this past fall of Jock Young’s death.

In recognition of Jock’s passing while serving as an editorial board member of the Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology, I wanted to dedicate this issue to his memory and I hoped to present some form of memorial piece on his life. Knowing that anything I wrote would fall short, I once again turned to Kevin Steinmetz for some assistance. Kevin then found one of Jock Young’s former students, Robert Donald Weide of New York University, who agreed to write an obituary. Upon receiving it, I printed it and sat down that evening to read through the draft. Right away, I knew I had made a good decision. After reading Weide’s heartfelt and “unapologetic” obituary, I felt I came to know Jock Young a lot more, the man, his life, and his research. While it is a sad state of human affairs that sometimes we come to know people more so after their death, I am glad I was able to do so through Weide’s story. I think his qualitative narrative serves Jock’s memory well.

In addition to the opening obituary, this issue also features six articles from some established and up-and-coming qualitative researchers in both criminal justice and criminology. These six articles were once again the handful of articles that made it through a very difficult review process consisting of internal and external review (not to mention a tough copy-editing as well!). As of this issue, the journal has received 104 manuscripts and with these six articles, a total of 19 manuscripts have been published. The journal continues to maintain an acceptance rate of approximately 1 in 5 submissions (for the more quantitatively inclined, the rate stands as 18.26%). Also included in this issue are three book reviews, consisting of one edited collection and two recently published qualitative studies, as well as one historical book review, this time regarding the seminal work Outsiders.

One additional item that may be of interest to the qualitative community and that is the current proposal to create a Qualitative Section in the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS). As a focal point with the journal, I have been collecting petition signatures to put before the ACJS Executive Board this fall to seek their approval. It is my hope that the dissemination of the journal may be furthered by some future association with such a section and that it will provide another forum for qualitative researchers in the CJC fields. If you are interested in signing the petition, let me know with an email to the journal at [email protected].

Finally, as always, I have many people to thank for helping make this journal a possibility. The support of the Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice has been excellent as they have always been and continue to be a great group of people to work with. The support at Sam Houston State University has also been most appreciated as well. In particularly, I would like to thank Dr. Kevin Steinmetz (now of Kansas State University) for serving as my book review editor. In addition, I would like to thank the Writing Center at Sam Houston State University, and especially Ronda Harris, for the excellent copy-editing services provided for the journal. Moreover, all of the work by Harriet McHale for the manuscript production process is simply the best. It is a lot of work to get the journal in final publication formatting, but she always comes through. And finally Melina Gilbert for getting the journal up on the website and working out all of the bugs. The journal is a product of the hard work of all of these individuals.

I sincerely hope you find the first issue of volume 2 of the journal beneficial and I hope all of the readers consider making the Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice & Criminology an outlet for your qualitative research.

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