Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | Manchester Metropolitan University
Email | [email protected]
Website | mmu.ac.uk/sociology/staff/profile/index.php?id=1080
Twitter | @mikesalinasMCR
Topic | Drug use, illegal drug markets, offending careers over the life-course, image and performance enhancing drugs
Method | Observation, interviewing
Bio | Mike Salinas is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Manchester Metropolitan University with a particular interest in offending careers over the life-course, illegal drug markets and drug use. He holds a PhD in criminology from the University of Manchester, where he was an ESRC scholar. His doctoral research was based on a six-year ethnography of drug suppliers: the mechanics of their operations and the reasons for their fluctuating involvement in the illicit drug supply-chain. In 2015 the study was awarded 'Best PhD' in Organised Crime by the International Association for the Study of Organised Crime. More recently, his research focuses on the use, market and public health policy responses to image and performance enhancing drugs.