Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | Victoria University of Wellington
Email | [email protected]
Website | people.wgtn.ac.nz/Lynzi.Armstrong
Twitter | @DrLynziA
Topic | Sex work, sex worker rights, stigma, decriminalisation, sexual violence, anti-trafficking policy
Method | In-depth interviewing, ethnography, solicited participant diaries, autoethnography
Bio | Lynzi Armstrong is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. Her research is broadly focused on gender, sexuality and justice. She has a strong interest in sex workers’ rights, sexual violence, anti-trafficking discourses, stigma, and the impacts of laws on marginalised populations. In her research with sex workers, she seeks to bridge gaps between research, policy and practice, and to dispel myths and stereotypes, using qualitative methods to foreground the voices of sex workers. She is co-editor of Sex Work and the New Zealand Model: Decriminalisation and Social Change published by Bristol University Press, and her work has also been published in several high impact journals, including the British Journal of Criminology, Feminist Criminology, and Criminology and Criminal Justice.