Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | University of Copenhagen
Email | [email protected]
Website | anthropology.ku.dk/staff/assistant-professor-and-postdoc/?pure=en/persons/289996
Twitter | @DSausdal
Topic | Policing, detective work, surveillance, xenophobia, globalization, everyday life
Method | Ethnography, participant observation, interviews
Bio | David Sausdal is an anthropologist and ethnographic criminologist. He has conducted ethnographic fieldwork on issues of trans-national policing in and around Europe. His work appears in journals such as Theoretical Criminology, Policing and Society, European Journal of Criminology, Anthropological Theory and Journal of Extreme Anthropology. Sausdal has also been the lead-editor of a recent special issue of Focaal on ‘Anthropological Criminology 2.0: Ethnographies of global crime and criminalization’, he is the co-editor of a forthcoming special issue of Theoretical Criminology on ‘The Theatrics of Transnational Criminal Justice’, and he will soon be publishing his monograph The Last Policeman: An Ethnography of Globalized Local Policing as part of the Palgrave Macmillan series on ‘Transnational Crime, Crime Control and Security’.