Editorial Board Member of …Qualitative…Criminology
Affiliation | University of Birmingham
Email | [email protected]
Website | linkedin.com/in/christian-perrin-82229b5a/
Twitter | @ChristianPerrin
Topic | Imprisonment, reintegration, peer support, stigmatization
Method | Interviews, focus groups, ethnography, thematic/phenomenological analysis
Bio | Christian Perrin is an Assistant Professor in Psychology at the University of Birmingham. He has extensively researched the use of peer support in the prison sector, and advocates for its use in empowering traumatized individuals to overcome the forms of psychological distress which often contribute to increased re-offending. He is also more broadly interested in well-being, and passionate about evidence-based practice that enables interventions which reduce the marginalization of vulnerable and stigmatized groups. He is primarily a qualitative researcher with keen interests in phenomenology.